Estabilished in 2004



The Euro Bouquet

"Travel anywhere in Europe, especially France, and you will notice the abundance of flower shops and find it hard not to take something with you. Although the shops do carry a selection of containers, it is usually not extensive as most Europeans see no need to send flowers in a vase—everyone already has a suitable container. If you receive flowers in Europe they will most likely be delivered in a cellophane bundle filled with water to keep the flowers alive until you can transfer them to your own container. The European hand-tied bouquet is the quintessential gift to give abroad."
(via Flower Magazine Spring issue)
I think this is BRILLIANT! Why pile up the vases and spend the extra money?? Now keep in mind this is designed differently than a simple wrapped bouquet, this is arranged to be placed directly into a vase without fuss. Much like a bridal bouquet this is a dense gathering of flowers that is "hand-tied" or arranged in the designers hand then tied so the bouquet will maintain shape and design. The pictures above show how the bouquet looks after it's been assembled, how it would look when delivered in cellophane, and how it looks after being placed in a vase. All the recipient needs to do is give the stems a quick snip to the right height for their vessel and the rest of the work is done for them.

This is one of our standard offerings at Peppertree, so if you're interested make sure to mention that you'd like to order the "Euro Bouquet". They start at $45.


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